As you may have noticed I haven’t posted for months. 2022 has been a rough year for me, professionally and even tougher personally. It started ok partnering a promising maker in the US, launching Rockpit, getting a prototype done, happiness flowing everywhere but everything from May onward went off the rails.

Remember the Rockpit launch post? awesome, go locate that on your brain and DELETE it.

I was about to notify the wait-list and launch the marketing campaigns full-throttle but went into an order fulfillment roadblock and have to go back to zero.
In hindsight there are a few measures I could have taken to avoid this standstill but I’m an entrepreneur in the making and fucked up hard, again.

Meanwhile, the family business my awesome dad left us last year began having some trouble so I decided to go all in managing it until it’s reversed, which I’m still doing for me and my family.

Personally it’s been a bad year too. I’m kind of low energy and struggling to find motivation. The happiest moments I can remember in my life was doing this full-time and getting good vibes from you people and my main source of smiles today is getting notifications with your messages. My only wish right now is being able to revert the family business situation and get back to this business. I think this will only happen in February / March so looking forward to it.

Ok done with the venting, thank you for your messages, they have a greater impact than you could ever imagine. I wish you the happiest holidays ever and a great year in 2023.

1 Comment

  1. yasser_m on 2023-09-10 at 5:55 PM

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